Yearly Archives

11 Articles

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Apple needs a new Power Supply.

Apple needs a new Power Supply.

The Apple power brick is the worth design Apple ever made! The puck was a by far better design. I throw out and buy numerous new bricks every year for our staff. The flip up fingers are the downfall of this design. The best design is to coil up the cable naturally as seen in the image below. 

Those faculty that coil the cable up like this I rarely have to buy new bricks for. The brick design has been Apple’s biggest mistake along with the MagSafe 2 adapter. Come on Apple, lets have a better PS! You make sleek commuters, how about a proper functioning PS like the old puck.



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Loving iOS 7!

I must say I really like iOS 7! I’ve always had a jailbroken iPhone to have the look, feel & customized usability that I want. Be it Apple, Samsung, BB, etc. they all have great features but also lack many. An iPhone has always been the best of both worlds because of jailbreaking. I could add all the extra features, tweaks & look that make a smartphone the way it really should be. From what I can see and I have read from reviews Apple has really listen to what the users want. They have actually added a number of features that were inspired by jailbreak tweaks. I’m sure there will be a jailbreak in the future for iOS 7 but so far they have already killed off SBSettings & a real app switcher and this is just the tip. Only thing I’m missing now is my 5 icon across option 🙂

Great job Apple and Jony Ive!!


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Mac OS X Over The Years (Public Beta 10.0 – 10.8 Mountain Lion)

Mac OS X Over The Years (Public Beta 10.0 – 10.8 Mountain Lion)
Almost spanning a decade OS X (pronounced as “O”-“S”-“10” not “O”-“S”-“X”) has gone through nine (9) major OS revisions of OS X to date including Public Beta.  In this review I’ve pointed out the release information for each major version of OS X as well as snapshots to help show the differences from version to version of OS X.

When it comes to OS X there have been ten (10) major releases when you include Public Beta:

For my review of OS X I used an iMac G3 700mhz Blueberry for versions 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, for OS X 10.5, 10.6 & 10.7 an iMac Intel Core 2 Duo & OS X 10.8 a MacBook Pro i7

*For OS release dates, cost, history, and general information, I used MacTracker found at which is an amazing application that gives you detailed information on every Apple Macintosh computer ever made including ipods, iphones,Operating Systems and so much More. Download it today!



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Apples first OS X “Public Beta” was internally codenamed “Kodiak”

Apples first OS X “Public Beta” was internally codenamed “Kodiak”

How many people knew that the first OS X “Public Beta” was internally codenamed “Kodiak”?

The Mac OS X Public Beta (internally codenamed “Kodiak”) was an early beta version of Apple Computer‘s Mac OS X operating system Cheetah. It was released to the public on September 13, 2000 for US$29.95. It allowed software developers and early adopters to test a preview of the upcoming operating system and develop software for the forthcoming operating system before its final release.

From Wikipedia

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How To: Take Apart an iMac – Front Panel & LCD

If you are in need to take you iMac apart to replace the Hard Drive, Dvd-Rom, etc. then check out the following videos showing what tools you need as well as the proper steps to get the job done.

The reason for doing these video is because when I was asked to find a good online “How-To” for taking apart an iMac I came across a number of videos where users just showed that you simply take the four scews out of the bottom of the panel and pull the panel off…. they failed to show you that you need to also disconnect the panel from the top as well.

In these videos I will show you how to properly remove the front panel as well as LCD so you can gain access to the inside for repairs.

With this I have also done up a video showing you how to make a Free Apple Access Card Tool which is needed to remove the front panel from your iMac.



I would like to point out that if your computer is still under warranty or you have very little or no computer hardware knowledge at all then it’s highly recommended to take your Mac to an Authorized Apple Repair Shop. 

iMac Take Apart – Part 1 (Remove Front Panel)


iMac Take Apart – Part 2 (Remove LCD Panel)




Make your own “Apple Access Card Tool” for Free




If you have any questions please feel free to post below, YouTube or Contact Me



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Adobe CS6 Enterprise Deployment with Mac OS X

Adobe CS6 Enterprise Deployment with Mac OS X
Comments below are certainly welcome but if you have questions concerning this article please see my Topic/Post over at
Keep in mind that this article is more for those that want a bit more of an understanding on how to push & deploy the serialization file with mass deployment. The Deployment Guides found at are very handy to get a better idea of what the Adobe Creative Suite Enterprise Deployment Utility is for and what it does.

Adobe CS6 for Mac has done away with the ability to license an install of Adobe CS and then image the computer and use that very image for mass deployment to labs. Now if you enter the SN# into the image it’s bound to the computer it’s installed on and will prompt to run in trial mode if imaged to another computer.

To deploy Adobe CS6 you will need to use a few things. You will need to download the Creative Suite Enterprise Deployment Utility found here 

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How to Backup & Restore an Apple Profile Manager Server/Database




After OS X Server App 2 & 3 the below method was broken. Please see this updated article for the new method:

How To Backup Profile Manager Database (Working Solution for OS X 10.10)





The below method only worked for Server App 2.

Today I needed to look at rebuilding or at least testing out a new Profile Manager Server setup but wanted to move all the clients and groups from the old PM server to the new test server but Apple has nothing in place to just export and import this. I found a topic on the Apple Discussions that has quick terminal commands to backup and restore PM Server. As a quick test I did this with our MacMini PM Server and moved restored it on a MacBook Pro running the latest version of PM Server. (OS X Server 1.5.0 –> OS X Server 2.1.1)

To backup the DB in Terminal :

sudo pg_dump -U _postgres -c device_management > $HOME/device_management.sql

To restore the DB in Terminal :

sudo serveradmin stop devicemgr
sudo serveradmin start postgres
sudo psql -U _postgres -d device_management -f $HOME/device_management.sql
sudo serveradmin start devicemgr

Found the article here with the credit going to “Christoph Murauer” ​for the info!


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Apple (iMac) Box Furniture

Apple (iMac) Box Furniture

Today we received a new shipment of iMacs and since they all had to be taken out of the boxes I figured I’d have some fun. 

I removed the white iMac boxes from the brown exterior box and made some furniture with a twist! I have a rather big collection of old Macintosh/Apple computers so I grabbed a few things and added them to the shot.

Though they don’t look exactly like furniture I tried to build the following:

  • Couch
  • Lazy Boy Chair
  • Desk (w/old Macintosh SE, OS 7 disks, iPod 1st Gen, Apple Newton, OS 8 Mouse Pad)
  • Coffee Table (w/iBook, 2 X G5 Towers & 1 Mac Pro)
  • 2 X End Tables w iLamps (2 X G4 iMac Lamps)
  • 1984 Anniversary Macintosh Poster
  • Macintosh Logo Mounted Posted

Anyways figured what the heck, if I’m going to take them out of the box and it’s raining I may as well waste a couple hours after work and have some fun.

For my full Macintosh/Apple Collection see My Macintosh/Apple Collection

Hope you all enjoy!






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My Macintosh / Apple Collection – Repost from 2013

My Macintosh / Apple Collection – Repost from 2013

Looking back on my site this evening I came across one of my original posts. This is my Apple Collection that I’ve been holding onto for a number of years now. Love to see how far Apple has grown and moved forward as one of the big marvels of our time.

Over the years I’ve collected a number of Macintosh/Apple Computers & accessories that I keep on display in the office at work so figured I’d share what I have. Here are some images below & a video that I had made a while ago. Looking back on my site this evening I came across one of my original posts. This is my Apple Collection that I’ve been holding onto for a number of years now. Love to see how far Apple has grown and moved forward as one of the big marvels of our time.

